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  • Daily Themed Warm-Ups

    Each day of the week has a different theme: term of the week, discussion of the week, video journal of the week, quote of the week, joke of the week

  • Save Prep Time

    Never have to worry about prepping for warm-ups again. It's all been done for you.

  • Engage Students With Science Content

    Set the routine with a warm-up each day in your class to avoid student downtime and classroom disruptions.

Science Bellringers and Warm-Ups Bundle

These science bell ringers are an excellent way to engage your students as soon as they walk into your classroom. This comprehensive FULL YEAR resource includes everything you need to start your science class off with an engaging warm-up activity.

Please Note: The videos in this resource require the use of YouTube.

A PowerPoint presentation is included that organizes 40 weeks of these resources by day of the week!



Start your week off by familiarizing your students with science terms in a fun and engaging way. The PowerPoint presentation teaches students terms with an easy-to-understand definition as well as many related short video clips! After they learn the term, have students record the meaning of the term (in their own words) using the science term of the week booklet (editable) or on the weekly student response sheet, then put up the ready-to-print classroom poster on your "Science Term Of The Week" board!

This is an excellent way to introduce and familiarize students to terms that they may see during the course of the year in a fun and engaging way without being too intimidating.


Bring discussion into your science classroom on Tuesdays with these task cards and presentation slides that are sure to get even your most reluctant students discussing interesting science topics.


Get your students' attention on Wednesdays with these engaging science video writing prompts! The slides include links to short high-interest video clips that relate to science.

Students respond to a short writing prompt related to the video that allows them to summarize information, make personal connections, make links to popular topics, make predictions, and much more! YouTube is required for the video clips in this presentation.

There are many benefits to using this resource. Video journals will not only immediately engage your students, but they are also an excellent way to bring more personal writing into the science classroom while also covering content-related material. Also, the videos allow students to have a broader understanding of science disciplines and topics and understand how they relate to their lives and the world around them

Video journal response cards are also included.

THURSDAY: SCIENCE QUOTE OF THE WEEK Inspire your students with these 40 quotes about science or from some of the most important and influential scientists in history. Each slide includes a quote, a picture of the scientist/person who said the quote, a brief explanation of who they are/what they are known for, and the prompting questions. The prompting questions that allow students to respond to the meaning of the quote, consider how it relates to their world, and if it still holds significance today.

Also included are 40 ready-to-print posters to set up an "Science Quote of The Week" that you can swap out weekly to last you the whole year!


Bring some laughter into your classroom once a week with these 40 hilarious science inspired jokes that your students will love. Have students attempt to guess the punchline when they arrive in class and then explain the science behind the joke after they hear it.

A student weekly response sheet with all of the different daily themes is also included

© Presto Plans © Kesler Science

Science Warm Ups and Bell Ringers Bundle - Earth, Physical, and Life Science

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Yes, all of the lessons are aligned to middle school TEKS and middle school NGSS standards.

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Yes, you will have access to all of the labs immediately. You will continue to have access to the labs once the payments are made in full.